Lefty's Sports Autograph/Photo Op Sessions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's):
(Current as of: September 1st, 2021) (Updated June 2nd, 2022)
* PLEASE NOTE: We do not mail out tickets for the signings.
COVID rules are still fluid - we will follow San Mateo County mandates (masks required etc).
Rules for dropping items off We WILL NOT accept items for drop off the day of the event. Cutoff for dropping items off is 6 PM the day before the event/signing.
Inscription information
An inscription ticket is NOT an autograph. It is an add on to an autograph ticket purchased IE "2010 WS Champs" or "49ers SB Champ" etc.
Inscription tickets MUST equal the number of autographs purchased.
How do your autograph signings work? We pre-sell tickets, which are numbered so our guests know about what time to arrive. This prevents chaos and long lines from happening. We typically start with photo ops, premium tickets, then regular tickets. All assuming the athlete is on time.
Do you have items available for purchase? We always have a limited amount of 8x10 photos of the athlete appearing and do our best to carry a variety of items to get signed. Feel free to check our website or call (650) 697-2274 to see what we have in stock.
Can we take pictures with the autograph guest? Feel free to take as many pictures while the athlete is signing your item(s). Sorry, no "Selfies" due to the sale of Photo Op tickets.
What happens if I lose my ticket? Unfortunately tickets are considered “like cash” and cannot be replaced if lost or stolen. If tickets are still available you can purchase a replacement. We will issue a refund only if your original is found and is still intact with the stub.
What happens if I miss the event? If you miss the day/evening of the signing no refunds will be issued. We normally have extra items after our signings, so we will do our best to accommodate you.
What does the ticket I purchase get me? Each ticket allows entrance for the ticket holder and/or a child under 12 years old. (1) ticket gets you (1) autograph on (1) item. The ticket does not include the item. Remember, some athletes have different prices for different items.
Can I still get an autograph if I cannot attend the day of the signing? Yes, you can purchase the ticket online or in the store prior to the date of the signing and drop your items off. You can then pick up your item at a later date (see drop off rule).
Do you accept mail in items for signings? Yes, you can send your items to the store (please make sure to send your items in at least 1 week before the date of the signing). You can also purchase items on our website and leave them to be signed. When you purchase or drop off items to be signed make sure we have your contact information (phone, email, address etc) to bill you for your return shipping.
REMINDER: For the convenience of everyone including the player, while attending our autograph events, only the ticket holder will be allowed into the store (except for one child under the age of 12 which can be accompanied by an adult). The rule can be flexible upon our judgment and the athlete appearing the day of the event. Thank you for understanding.